# Classes
Each of the following classes home page can be accessed by clicking on the class name. More resources, such as PDFs and external links, can be found there. For convenience, the main sections are listed below.
## [Signals and Systems - ECEN 314](Ecen314/)
### Sections
- [Introduction to Signals](/Ecen314/Classification_of_signals.html)
- [Periodic, Even and Odd, and Elementary Signals](/Ecen314/Periodic.html)
- [Systems and Their Properties](/Ecen314/Systems.html)
- [Fourier Series and Transform](/Ecen314/Fourier.html)
- [Filters and Sampling](/Ecen314/Filters.html)
### Useful Resources
- [ECEN 314 Wikidot](http://signalsandsystems.wikidot.com/)
## [Statistics and Probability - ECEN 303](Ecen303/)
### Sections
- [Introduction and Set Theory](/Ecen303/Intro.html)
- [Basic Probability](/Ecen303/Basic_Prob.html)
- [Counting](/Ecen303/Counting.html)
- [Conditional Probability](/Ecen303/Conditional.html)
- [Discrete Random Variables](/Ecen303/Discrete.html)
- [Expectation](/Ecen303/Expectation.html)
- [Continuous Random Variables](/Ecen303/Continuous.html)
- [Generating Functions](/Ecen303/Generating.html)
- [Multiple Random Variables](/Ecen303/Multiple.html)
### Summaries
- [Summary for section 1 (through independence)](/Ecen303/Part_1_Summary.html)
- [Summary for section 2 (discrete random variables)](/Ecen303/Part_2_Summary.html)
## [Linear Algebra - MATH 311](Math311/)
### Sections
- [Section 1 - Chapters 1-3 - Vectors and Vector Spaces](/Math311/Sec1/)
- [Section 2 - Chapters 4-6 - Transformations, Orthogonality, and Eigenvalues](/Math311/Sec2/)
- [Section 3 - Chapters 7-11 - Vector Calculus](/Math311/Sec3/)
### Summary
- [Summary, Ch 1-3](/Math311/Sec1/summary.html)
- [Summary, Ch 4-6](/Math311/Sec2/summary.html)
- [Summary, Ch 7-11](/Math311/Sec3/summary.html)
- [Final Summary](/Math311/summary.html)
### Useful Resources
- [Useful (video) explanation of concepts by 3Blue1Brown](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZHQObOWTQDPD3MizzM2xVFitgF8hE_ab)
## [Electricity and Magnetism Lab - ENGR 217](Engr216/Study_Guide_217.html)
### Study Guide
- [Final Study Guide](Engr216/Study_Guide_217.html)
## [Differential Equations - MATH 308](Math308/)
### Sections
- [Chapter 1 - 3 - Introduction to Diff Eqs](Math308/Ch1-3/)
- [Chapter 5 - Solving with Series](Math308/Ch5/)
- [Chapter 6 - Laplace Transforms](Math308/Ch6/)
- [Chapter 7 - Systems of Linear Equations](Math308/Ch7/)
### Useful Resources
- [Paul's Online Notes - Differential Equations](https://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/Classes/DE/DE.aspx)
- [Slope Field Grapher](https://homepages.bluffton.edu/~nesterd/apps/slopefields.html)
- [Complex 3D Function Grapher](https://kiranwells.github.io/ray-graph/)
- [Integral Table](http://integral-table.com/downloads/single-page-integral-table.pdf)
- [Table of Laplace Transforms](https://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/pdf/Laplace_Table.pdf)
- [Direction Field and Phase Plane Programs](https://www.cs.unm.edu/~joel/dfield/)
## [Mechanical & Electromagnetic Physics - PHYS 206 & 207](Phys206/)
### Useful Resources
- [Study Strategies](https://mechanics.physics.tamu.edu/strategies.shtml)
- [Lecture Videos and Previous Exams (206 Don't Panic)](https://sites.google.com/view/bassichis/PHYS206)
- [Lecture Videos and Previous Exams (207 Don't Panic)](https://sites.google.com/view/bassichis/PHYS207)
- [Previous Exams (206 Common Exams)](https://mechanics.physics.tamu.edu/prev_exams.php)
## [Mechanical Physics Lab - ENGR 216](Engr216/Study_Guide.html)
### Study Guide
- [Final Study Guide](Engr216/Study_Guide.html)
## [Calculus 3 (Multivariable) - MATH 251](Math251/)
### Sections
- [Chapter 12 - Vectors and Planes](Math251/12/)
- [Chapter 13 - Vector Equations](Math251/13/)
- [Chapter 14 - Partial Derivatives and Applications](Math251/14/)
- [Chapter 15 - Double and Triple Integrals](Math251/15/)
- [Chapter 16 - Curl and Divergence](Math251/16/)
### Useful Resources
- [Paul's Online Calc III Notes](https://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/Classes/CalcIII/CalcIII.aspx)
- [OpenStax Free Calc 3 Textbook](https://openstax.org/books/calculus-volume-3/pages/1-introduction)
- [Complex 3D Function Grapher](https://kiranwells.github.io/ray-graph/)
## Github Link for this site
You can make changes or submit more resources on the [Github page](https://github.com/KiranWells/web-app).